SOLD OUT - Winnipeg "Thai Massage on the Table", 2-days, Sun. March 26 & Mon. March 27, 2023
Cost: $495+tx ($519.75Total)
SORRY WE ARE SOLD OUT | register and pay $100 deposit for in-person course
Winnipeg "Thai Yoga Massage: Supine & Seated Positions"
Module 1
3-Days: Sun. Oct. 22 - Tues. Oct. 24, 2023
Cost: $650+$32.50gst (Total $682.50)
Location: 'MTAM Education Centre', 175 Marion Street, Winnipeg, MB
Instructor: Vaneethy Tumolva, RMT & Certified Instructor with Banyan Thai Massage Academy
Credits: MTAM 21.0 Core Credits, NHPC 15.0 CEC's
13 In-person spaces left in this course
No pre-requisites
Registration WILL OPEN SOON for Winnipeg "Thai Yoga Massage: Supine & Seated Positions"
(Module 1) 3-Days, Sun. Oct. 22 - Tues. Oct. 24, 2023
Cost: $650+$32.50tx | Total cost: $682.50
tel: 604-773-2645
registration will open soon!